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Migration process#

Migration process consists of a preliminary stage, which is a Migration plans preparation, and of a Migration testing itself.

Each of these steps is described in detail below.

Create and prepare Migration plans#

Migration plans are scenarios for a migration process in case of test or final migrations. They include descriptions of machines (flavor type, rank, etc.) and network settings. For more details on rules for creating Migration plans and their syntax please refer to the section ACP - Migration plans.


Test and final migrations#

Once full replicas of selected machines are completed, customer can run a set of test migrations to evaluate the results, form correct expectations and configure infrastructure settings.

A detailed description of migration process configuration can be found in the section ACP - Migration process.


Migration process may require some time: its duration depends on the structure complexity of a Migration plan and orchestration / dependency levels between components of a business application. As soon as all components receive the Active status, the business application is ready for operation, and it is possible to test the migration or perform a final migration, which will lead up to detaching the Hystax solution from the cloud site.


Redirecting the main traffic to AWS or KVM platform is not part of the solution's current functionality and should be coordinated with the service provider in advance.

For the sake of time-saving, it is recommended to use a simplified set of tests that will run in the cloud site before switching production traffic to the new target.

Cloud site settings#

After cloud site creation, a number of additional actions can be performed in order to configure the runtime of a business application, such as adding machines to the cloud site, stopping/starting machines. Cloud sites description and the related settings are described in the section ACP - Cloud sites.


During Migration testing, it is recommended to remove redundant cloud sites so that they do not take up spare resources.