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HA deployment#

To enhance high availability and minimize system downtime, deploy the Acura High Availability (HA) solution.

Acura HA ensures consistent operation for applications and services, which is especially critical for mission-critical systems. The multiple nodes eliminate failure points and ensure continuous system operation even in the case of hardware or software failures. Connected nodes prevent data loss during failures and allow for quick recovery of the system state. The load balancer (LB) effectively distributes traffic between nodes, eliminating overloads and ensuring stable performance even under peak loads. Troubleshooting nodes is performed without the need to stop the system, making this solution a reliable foundation for business processes.

HA systems are an important infrastructure element that maintains stable business operations and minimizes the risks associated with failures.

To deploy HA, you only need:

  • three virtual machines running Ubuntu 20.04
  • one virtual machine for load balancing.

Increase the number of nodes if necessary, adapting the system to the needs of your organization.

Preconditions. A VM deployment#

To deploy an Acura HA cluster, you need a deploy VM with Python 3.11. You can use Ubuntu 20.04, or if you use a later release, you can install pyenv to set up Python 3.11. Instructions can be found here.

Step 1. Prepare Security Group#

Please review the following ingress rules before deployment:

Ether Type IP Protocol Port Range Remote IP Prefix Remote Security Group Description
IPv4 TCP 1 - 65535 - Acura_ha Please note that we need to open all TCP ports for the security group we created. This is required for Kubernetes connectivity between nodes (e.g., for etcd or MariaDB clusters).
IPv4 TCP 22 (SSH) <IP*>/32 - Allow TCP port 22 from my public IP for SSH and Ansible.
IPv4 TCP 80 (HTTP) - The Acura UI port redirects the user to the HTTPS port.
IPv4 TCP 443 (HTTPS) - Acura UI port
IPv4 TCP 4443 - Initial Configuration Port
IPv4 TCP 6443 - Port for the Kubernetes API service
IPv4 TCP 30080 <IP*>/32 - MariaDB service port
IPv4 TCP 30081 <IP*>/32 - Kibana service port
IPv4 TCP 30082 <IP*>/32 - Grafana service port
IPv4 UDP 12201 - Logs port: Used by agents and pods to send logs to the ELK stack.

IP* - the IP address you want to use to access the Acura.


The deploy VM should have access to port 22 for all three VMs and the load balancer (LB). In the security group (SG) above, only one public IP is allowed for port 22. Ensure your deploy VM uses this public IP, or add another rule to the SG.

Step 2. Create three Ubuntu VMs#

Create three Ubuntu 20.04 instances with 200 GB volumes (SSD backend recommended). The entire 200 GB should be available as a single partition, without separate partitions for /home, etc. It is also recommended to allocate at least 16 GB of RAM and 8 vCPUs for each instance.



Verify that the DNS servers on all nodes (cat /etc/resolv.conf) are correct. They should be obtained from the DHCP server. For example, the result of the nslookup command should resemble the following:

$ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:cd 

If the DNS servers don’t work, check the DNS configuration of the subnet (e.g., use as the DNS server). Hostnames should not be fully qualified domain names (FQDNs); they should not contain dots.


Step 3. Create a Load Balancer#

Use the following listeners:

Name Description Protocol Port
initconfig Initial Configuration UI Listener TCP 4443
http HTTP Listener TCP 80
k8s Kubernetes API Service Listener TCP 6443
https HTTPS Listener for Acura UI TCP 443

Example of Cloud-Native LB Configuration


NGINX Configuration

Don’t forget to replace X.X.X.X, Y.Y.Y.Y, and Z.Z.Z.Z with the IP addresses of your nodes. Use the IP address of the first node for X.X.X.X, the second node for Y.Y.Y.Y, and the third node for Z.Z.Z.Z.

$ cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
user www-data;
worker_processes auto;
worker_rlimit_nofile 70000;
pid /run/;

events {
        worker_connections 70000;
    # multi_accept on;

stream {
    upstream stream_http {
        server X.X.X.X:80;
        server Y.Y.Y.Y:80;
        server Z.Z.Z.Z:80;

    upstream stream_https {
        server X.X.X.X:443;
        server Y.Y.Y.Y:443;
        server Z.Z.Z.Z:443;

    upstream stream_initial_config {
        server X.X.X.X:4443;
        server Y.Y.Y.Y:4443;
        server Z.Z.Z.Z:4443;

    upstream stream_kubernetes {
        server X.X.X.X:6443;
        server Y.Y.Y.Y:6443;
        server Z.Z.Z.Z:6443;

    upstream stream_elk {
        server X.X.X.X:12201;
        server Y.Y.Y.Y:12201;
        server Z.Z.Z.Z:12201;

    upstream stream_registry {
        server X.X.X.X:15000;
        server Y.Y.Y.Y:15000;
        server Z.Z.Z.Z:15000;

    server {
        listen        80;
        proxy_pass    stream_http;

    server {
        listen        443;
        proxy_pass    stream_https;
        proxy_buffer_size 10m;

    server {
        listen        4443;
        proxy_pass    stream_initial_config;

    server {
        listen        6443;
        proxy_pass    stream_kubernetes;
        proxy_timeout 10s;
        proxy_connect_timeout 10s;

    server {
        listen     12201 udp;
        proxy_pass stream_elk;
        proxy_timeout 30s;
        proxy_connect_timeout 60s;

    server {
        listen        15000;
        proxy_pass    stream_registry;


  • If you encounter issues starting or restarting NGINX after changing the configuration, you can verify the correctness of the config using the following command: nginx -t

  • If you receive an error such as the unknown directive 'stream' when starting NGINX, add the following line to the beginning of the configuration: load_module /usr/lib/nginx/modules/;

Check SSH access from the deploy VM to the Acura VMs

To save time, check access to port 22 before running any installations. You can verify the access with the following simple Bash command:

$ for i in X.X.X.X Y.Y.Y.Y Z.Z.Z.Z; do nc -vz -w 2 $i 22 ; done
Connection to X.X.X.X 22 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded!
Connection to Y.Y.Y.Y 22 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded!
Connection to Z.Z.Z.Z 22 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded!

Where X.X.X.X, Y.Y.Y.Y, and Z.Z.Z.Z are the target public IPs to check access. If access is unavailable, you will see output similar to this:

$ for i in X.X.X.X Y.Y.Y.Y Z.Z.Z.Z; do nc -vz -w 2 $i 22 ; done
nc: connect to X.X.X.X port 22 (TCP) timed out: Operation now in progress
nc: connect to Y.Y.Y.Y port 22 (TCP) timed out: Operation now in progress
nc: connect to Z.Z.Z.Z port 22 (TCP) timed out: Operation now in progress

In that case, check your security group settings.

Step 4. Prepare the environment on the localhost#

1. Install required packages

sudo apt install python3-pip sshpass
pip3 install --upgrade pip==20.3.4
pip3 install "virtualenv<20.0"

2. Download Hystax archive from the provided URL

3. Extract archive “hystax-ha-archive.tar.gz”

tar xvzf hystax-ha-archive.tar.gz

4. Install requirements

cd hystax_ha_archive
pip install -r requirements.txt

If installation fails, try installing this Ubuntu package: sudo apt install libffi-dev. And then run pip install -r requirements.txt again.

5. Create “ha_env_file” HA environment file with the following content

<HOSTNAME1> ansible_ssh_host=<X.X.X.X>
<HOSTNAME2> ansible_ssh_host=<Y.Y.Y.Y>
<HOSTNAME3> ansible_ssh_host=<Z.Z.Z.Z>


HOSTNAME1 is the hostname of the first Ubuntu machine, X.X.X.X is the public IP address of the first Ubuntu machine, and so on.


If the Acura hosts use separate SSH keys (not ~/.ssh/id_rsa), you can specify the key in the ha_env_file as follows:


If you're using password-protected SSH keys, add them to the SSH agent with the following commands:

1. Start the SSH agent in the background:

$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

2. Add the SSH private key to the SSH agent:

$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa"

Step 5. Install Kubernetes master#

Deploy Kubernetes HA Master:

ansible-playbook -e "ansible_ssh_user=<SSH_USER_NAME>" \
-e "lb_address=<LOAD_BALANCER_IP>" \
-e "ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3" \
-e "logstash_host=" \
-i ha_env_file ansible/k8s-master.yaml


If, when executing the command, you are prompted for a password, and you want to use SSH keys from the instances created in step 2, you can specify the SSH private key in the ha_env_file (step 4) as follows:


This will avoid issues with entering passwords manually.

If the user does not have root privileges, add the -K flag to the command to prompt for the password immediately when the playbook starts.

Step 6. Deploy Acura#

Use the following command to deploy the Acura HA cluster:

ansible-playbook -e "ansible_ssh_user=<SSH USER NAME>" \
-e '{"overlay_list": ["overlay/ha.yaml", "overlay/golden-image.yml", "overlay/distr-dr.yaml", "overlay/startup_reconfigure.yaml"]}' \
-e "copy_patch=true" \
-e "copy_ca=true" \
-i ha_env_file ansible/ha-acura.yaml


This command deploys Acura Disaster Recovery. If you want to deploy Acura Migration, replace distr-dr.yaml with distr-migration.yaml.


1. Check that all Acura Kubernetes pods have started.

2. To configure Acura, go to the initial-config UI at:



How to ...#

... update an already deployed Acura#

1. Perform Step 4. Prepare the environment on the localhost. Get a list of existing overlays used when creating the cluster:

kubectl exec -ti etcd-0 -- etcdctl get /overlay_list

If necessary, change the list of overlays in etcd:

kubectl exec -ti etcd-0 -- etcdctl set /overlay_list ["old_overlay1","old_overlay2",<...>,"new_overlay"]

2. Perform Step 6. Deploy Acura. When deploying Acura, add the new parameter to the ansible-playbook command: -e "update_cluster=true". For example:

ansible-playbook -e "ansible_ssh_user=<SSH_USER_NAME>" \
-e '{"overlay_list": ["overlay/ha.yaml", "overlay/golden-image.yml", "overlay/distr-dr.yaml", "overlay/startup_reconfigure.yaml", "overlay/big-heat-stack-timeout.yaml"]}' \
-e "copy_patch=true" \
-e "copy_ca=true" \
-e "update_cluster=true" \
-i ha_env_file ansible/ha-acura.yaml

... remove a dead node from Acura HA#

1. Log into a Live Node.

2. Run the following command to identify the dead node names:

kubectl get nodes

3. Run kubectl delete node <DEAD_NODE_NAME> to remove the dead node from Kubernetes. Replace with the dead node's name identified in the previous step.

4. Run

kubectl exec etcd-<LIVE_NODE_NAME> -n kube-system -- etcdctl --cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.crt --key /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.key member list

to identify a dead node etcd member ID (first column in output). Replace with the live node name you are logged into.

5. Run

kubectl exec etcd-<LIVE_NODE_NAME> -n kube-system -- etcdctl --cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.crt --key /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.key member remove <DEAD_MEMBER_ID>

to remove the dead node from the etcd cluster. Replace with the live node name you are logged into. Replace with dead node etcd member ID from the previous step.

... add a new node#

1. Follow the steps in the previous section to remove any dead nodes from the cluster.

2. Perform deployment steps 2-3 for a new Ubuntu machine:

3. Log into a live node and run the following commands:

  • Create the join token:

    kubeadm token create --print-join-command

    This command will output master_token and master_discovery_token. Copy and store them securely.

  • Upload the certificates:

    sudo kubeadm init phase upload-certs --upload-certs

    This command will output master_cert_key. Copy and store it securely.

4. Perform deployment Step 4. Prepare the environment on the localhost.

5. Use the tokens and certificate key generated earlier to add the new node to the cluster:

pip install -r requirements.txt
ansible-playbook -e "ansible_ssh_user=<SSH_USER_NAME>" \
-e "ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3" \
-e "lb_address=<LOAD_BALANCER_IP>" \
-e "logstash_host=" \
-e "master_token=ae9wn..." \
-e "master_discovery_token=bf917..." \
-e "master_cert_key=4cc2c..." \
-e "copy_patch=true" \
-e "copy_ca=true" \


  • Set lb_address to your load balancer's address.
  • Set master_token, master_discovery_token, and master_cert_key to the tokens you obtained previously. Refer to the example to confirm their correct format.
  • Set the address after -i to the IP address of your newly provisioned instance.