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Network Connections#

A network connections schema provides a comprehensive overview of the network. It allows for quick identification of network issues, making diagnosing and resolving connection problems easier.

If an issue arises and you see error messages indicating that one component can't connect to another, refer to the connection table to identify the failing connection. First, verify that the connections are intact by logging into the controller or the replication agent and checking the connection for the specific scenario.

Single-node Acura#

Controller traffic#

Initiator Target Port Data flow Description
Operator Controller tcp/443 UI/API User access
Operator Controller tcp/4443 UI/API User access for initial configuration
Controller Controller tcp/443 Control only Controller API calls
Controller Controller tcp/4443 Control only Initial configuration API/UI
Controller Controller tcp/6443 Control only Kubernetes API for cluster coordination
Controller Controller udp/12201 Initiator→ Target Logs

Replication (initial and incremental)#

Initiator Target Port Data flow Description
Controller Target cloud APIs tcp/* Control only Target cloud API calls
Replication agent Controller tcp/443 Initiator→ Target Control, Heartbeat and data transfer
Replication agent Controller udp/12201 Initiator→ Target Logs
Replication agent Source cloud APIs tcp/* Target→ Initiator External replication agents only
Controller Cloud Agent tcp/80 Initiator→ Target Control and data transfer
Controller File/object storage tcp/* Initiator→ Target Data transfer, Backup only
Cloud agent Controller tcp/443 Control only Heartbeat


Initiator Target Port Data flow Description
Controller Target cloud APIs tcp/* Control only Target cloud API calls
Controller Cloud Agent tcp/80 Control only Control
Cloud agent Controller tcp/443 Control only Heartbeat
Cloud agent Controller udp/12201 Logs Logs
Controller File/object storage tcp/* Target→ Initiator Data transfer, Backup only
Failback agent Controller tcp/443 Target→ Initiator Data transfer during Failback
Failback agent Controller udp/12201 Logs Logs


Initiator Target Port Data flow Description
Failback agent Controller tcp/443 Control only Control and Heatbeat
Failback agent Controller tcp/443 Target→ Initiator Data flow
Failback agent Controller tcp/12201 Initiator→ Target Logs
Controller Cloud Agent tcp/80 Target→ Initiator Control and data flow
Failback agent Source cloud APIs tcp/* Control only Source cloud API calls

HA Acura#

Controller traffic#

Initiator Load Balancer Target Port Data flow Description
Operator Public Controller nodes tcp/443 UI/API User access
Operator Public Controller nodes tcp/4443 UI/API User access for initial configuration
Controller nodes Private Controller nodes tcp/443 Control only Controller API calls
Controller nodes Private Controller nodes tcp/4443 Control only Initial configuration API/UI
Controller nodes Private Controller nodes tcp/6443 Control only Kubernetes API for cluster coordination
Controller nodes Private Controller nodes udp/12201 Initiator→ Target Logs

Replication (initial and incremental)#

Initiator Load Balancer Target Port Data flow Description
Controller nodes No Target cloud APIs tcp/* Control only Target cloud API calls
Replication agent Public Controller nodes tcp/443 Initiator→ Target Control, Heartbeat and data transfer
Replication agent Public Controller nodes udp/12201 Initiator→ Target Logs
Replication agent No Source cloud APIs tcp/* Target→ Initiator External replication agents only
Controller nodes No Cloud Agent tcp/80 Initiator→ Target Control and data transfer
Controller nodes No File/object storage tcp/* Initiator→ Target Data transfer, Backup only
Cloud agent Private Controller nodes tcp/443 Control only Heartbeat


Initiator Load Balancer Target Port Data flow Description
Controller nodes No Target cloud APIs tcp/* Control only Target cloud API calls
Controller nodes No Cloud Agent tcp/80 Control only Control
Cloud agent Private Controller nodes tcp/443 Control only Heartbeat
Cloud agent Private Controller nodes udp/12201 Logs Logs
Controller nodes No File/object storage tcp/* Target→ Initiator Data transfer, Backup only
Failback agent Public Controller nodes tcp/443 Target→ Initiator Data transfer during Failback
Failback agent Public Controller nodes udp/12201 Logs Logs


Initiator Load Balancer Target Port Data flow Description
Failback agent Public Controller nodes tcp/443 Control only Control and Heatbeat
Failback agent Public Controller nodes tcp/443 Target→ Initiator Data flow
Failback agent Public Controller nodes tcp/12201 Initiator→ Target Logs
Controller nodes No Cloud Agent tcp/80 Target→ Initiator Control and data flow
Failback agent No Source cloud APIs tcp/* Control only Source cloud API calls