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Hystax provides SMBs and enterprises with unique any-to-any migration software, which helps them move to the cloud quickly and effortlessly. Hystax Acura Cloud Migration enables you to migrate all workload types automatically.
Provides companies with the only any-to-any cloud migration solution that supports all cloud platforms, including AWS, MS Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud, oVirt, VMware, KVM, OpenStack, OpenNebula, Alibaba Cloud, and Bare Metal
Consistently and seamlessly replicates all types of supported workloads – they
can be run on a target site as soon as full or incremental replicas are completed
The process of cloud migration is carried out in a fully automated way
Customers can perform an unlimited number of test migrations to configure workload settings and ensure that all migration requirements are met
Supports service, workload, and resource orchestration, which in turn speeds up the delivery of services, reduces costs, and eliminates the possibility of human error
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Start background replication of business applications, machine data, and metadata without any performance impact
All the data is stored using volumes and snapshots of a target cloud
Automated orchestration launches fully operational business applications on a target platform
Run an unlimited number of tests in an isolated VPC and execute a set of functional and performance tests without performance impact
Perform final migration or cutover within a small and predictable maintenance window
Cloud migration is moving digital business operations from on-premises or legacy infrastructure to a cloud or from one cloud to another. It involves migrating your data, applications, and IT processes to data centers and requires much preparatory work and resources. In most cases, cloud migration is worthwhile, resulting in cost savings and higher agility, speed, and operational efficiency.
Before moving to a cloud, proper planning should be done. This includes choosing the right cloud provider, elaborating migration stages and cost analysis.
With Hystax, you get fully-automated and cost-efficient software with an unlimited number of test migrations, which assists you to migrate quickly and effortlessly.
You benefit from a high level of security during the migration process. Replication traffic is directly transmitted from customers’ machines to a target site.
Hystax Acura product description: live cloud migration overview, benefits and options, migration stages, and more
In this case study, you will find out how CompuGroup Medical successfully migrated over 5,000 VMs between their OpenStack-based platforms in a couple of months using Hystax Acura
1250 Borregas Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA | [email protected]