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Como marcar recursos de nuvem no AWS Management Console

What are tags and how can you manage them?

Tags help you manage your resources, virtual machines, or images and categorize them by the owner, environment, or something else to achieve full transparency of your cloud resources and eliminate some challenges of a cost optimization process. Tags are simple, user-customizable key and value pairs that are supported by many AWS services.

You can design a set of tag keys that suit your needs for each resource type. This set of tag keys can greatly simplify resource management and AWS cost optimization. After adding these tags, you can search and filter resources based on them.

How to manage tags in the AWS Management Console

Rules to implement the correct tagging strategy in AWS environment

Below are the rules and restrictions when adding tags to AWS:
  • Maximum number of tags per resource – 50
  • For each resource, each tag key must be unique, and each tag key can have only one value
  • Maximum key length – 128 Unicode characters in UTF-8
  • Maximum value length – 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8
  • If your tagging schema is used across multiple services and resources, remember that other services may have restrictions on allowed characters. Generally allowed characters are: letters, numbers, and spaces representable in UTF-8, and the following characters: + – = . _ : / @
  • Tag keys and values are case-sensitive
  • Don’t use aws:, AWS:, or any upper or lowercase combination of such as a prefix for either keys or values. These are reserved only for AWS use. You can’t edit or delete tag keys or values with this prefix. Tags with this prefix are not taken into consideration against your tags per resource limit.
  • Step-by-step guide for tagging AWS resources

    Let’s go directly to adding/creating tags:

    The Tags tab on the main page allows you to apply tags to new or existing assets at any time.

    AWS tagging -Tags tab
    After which we get to the tag management page. On this page you will see the tags that are already there (you can change them).
    AWS tagging - Tag management page
    And the ‘Manage Tags’ button will help get to the page for adding or removing tags.
    AWS tagging - button Manage tags
    Also, in each field there is a mention of the restrictions described above.

    You can create tags for a specific instance. To do this, go to the section ‘Instances’ → select the instance of interest -> select the ‘Tags’ tab and click the ‘Manage Tags’ button. The following window will open before you, where you can add or remove tags for a specific instance.

    AWS tagging - section Instances
    Hopefully, this article has given you more insight into the use of tags in AWS and showed that it is not only not difficult, but also convenient.

    An effective tagging process enables companies to achieve full AWS cost and usage transparency. A tag strategy is designed to identify the owners of the resources, TTL, project, or team. It’s better to avoid resources without tags. A tagging system helps analyze cloud spends and implement AWS cost optimization scenarios.

    MS Azure tagging best practices → https://hystax.com/ms-azure-tagging-best-practices
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    FinOps e MLOps

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