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Ebook 'De FinOps a estratégias comprovadas de gerenciamento e otimização de custos de nuvem'
OptScale FinOps
OptScale — FinOps
Visão geral do FinOps
Otimização de custos:
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud
Nuvem Alibaba
OptScale — MLOps
Perfil de ML/IA
Otimização de ML/IA
Criação de perfil de Big Data
cloud migration
Acura – migração para nuvem
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Nova plataforma de banco de dados
Migração para:
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud
Nuvem Alibaba
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Nuvem pública
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Na premissa
disaster recovery
Acura – DR e backup na nuvem
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Migração para:
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud
Nuvem Alibaba
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Níveis de maturidade do MLOps: os modelos mais conhecidos


Like most IT processes, MLOps has maturity levels. They help companies understand where they are in the development process and what needs to be changed in their ML approaches to move to the next level (if that is their goal). Using commonly accepted maturity level methodologies also allows companies to determine their place among competitors.

Google Model

Google has its own model of MLOps maturity levels. It appeared as one of the first models, is concise, and consists of three levels:

Level 0: Manual process
Level 1: ML pipeline automation
Level 2: CI/CD pipeline automation

It is difficult to escape the thought that this model resembles instructions for drawing an owl. First, do everything manually, then build an ML pipeline, and then automate MLOps. However, it is well described.

Azure Model

Today, many large companies using ML have created their own maturity models. Azure also has a similar approach to identifying levels. However, they have more levels than Google:

Level 0: No MLOps
Level 1: DevOps but no MLOps
Level 2: Automated Training
Level 3: Automated Model Deployment
Level 4: Full MLOps Automated Operations

GigaOm Model

Also, one of the most detailed and understandable models is from the analytical firm GigaOm. Of all the models, it is the closest to Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). This is a set of process improvement methodologies in organizations, which also consists of five levels from 0 to 4.


* image source:  https://research.gigaom.com/report/delivering-on-the-vision-of-mlops

No GigaOm model, each maturity level is described through five categories: strategy, architecture, modeling, processes, and management.

By using this model in the early stages of ML system development and implementation, important aspects can be considered in advance and the chances of failure can be reduced. In fact, moving from one maturity level to a higher one presents new challenges to the team, which they may not have been aware of before.

cost optimization, ML resource management

Otimização gratuita de custos de nuvem e gerenciamento aprimorado de recursos de ML/IA para toda a vida


All of the models outlined converge on one thing: at level 0, there is a lack of any ML practices, and at the highest level, there is the automation of MLOps operations. In the center, there is always something unique that is somehow related to the gradual automation of machine learning operations. For Azure, this is the automation of the training and deployment process for models.

💡 Você também pode se interessar pelo nosso artigo 'Quais são os principais desafios do processo de MLOps?'

Descubra os desafios do processo MLOps, como dados, modelos, infraestrutura e pessoas/processos, e explore possíveis soluções para superá-los → https://hystax.com/what-are-the-main-challenges-of-the-mlops-process

✔️ OptScale, uma plataforma de código aberto FinOps & MLOps, que ajuda empresas a otimizar custos de nuvem e trazer mais transparência ao uso da nuvem, está totalmente disponível no Apache 2.0 no GitHub → https://github.com/hystax/optscale.

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FinOps e MLOps

Uma descrição completa do OptScale como uma plataforma de código aberto FinOps e MLOps para otimizar o desempenho da carga de trabalho na nuvem e o custo da infraestrutura. Otimização de custo de nuvem, Dimensionamento correto de VM, instrumentação PaaS, Localizador de duplicatas S3, Uso RI/SP, detecção de anomalias, + ferramentas de desenvolvedor de IA para utilização ideal da nuvem.

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