Whitepaper 'FinOps and cost management for Kubernetes'
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Ebook 'From FinOps to proven cloud cost management & optimization strategies'
OptScale FinOps
OptScale — FinOps
FinOps overview
Cost optimization:
MS Azure
Google Cloud
Alibaba Cloud
OptScale — MLOps
ML/AI Profiling
ML/AI Optimization
Big Data Profiling
cloud migration
Acura — Cloud migration
Database replatforming
Migration to:
MS Azure
Google Cloud
Alibaba Cloud
Public Cloud
Migration from:
disaster recovery
Acura — DR & cloud backup
Migration to:
MS Azure
Google Cloud
Alibaba Cloud

Adopt FinOps and benefit from minimal and predictable IT infrastructure costs

Easily organize shared IT workload usage, and optimize and forecast Kubernetes and cloud costs.
Benefit from the only solution that engages engineers in cost savings.
FinOps adoption and get benefit from minimal cost



Applications are controlled by OptScale

Supported platforms:

MS Azure
google cloud platform
Alibaba Cloud

Cost management & optimization

Application performance improvement

FinOps for Kubernetes

Optimize cloud costs within Kubernetes container infrastructure. Define owners, analyze costs across multiple clusters even using multi-cloud and achieve complete visibility into your containerized environment. Resource constraints, budget allocation, real-time recommendations, and insights guarantee that Kubernetes clusters won’t lead to budget wastage.
Cloud FinOps for Kubernetes

OptScale is available on cloud marketplaces

Alibaba Cloud marketplace

Identify wastage

Detect underutilized or idle resources and select the most appropriate cloud region in terms of price and performance. Start benefiting from rightsizing capabilities immediately with OptScale. Benefit from dozens of ready-to-implement recommendations to optimize Kubernetes or cloud workload performance and price as soon as you log in.

Optimize expenses

Start optimizing costs for cloud and K8s workloads. OptScale provides optimization hints for each cluster: cloud discounts, pod, and node rightsizing, autoscaling, fragmented nodes rebalancing, etc. Cut cloud bills with AI-based cost analytics, a cloud cost map, and cloud health monitoring. Then start benefiting from your accurate expense forecasts and avoid future budget overruns.

Achieve observability

Get complete visualization of the health, price, and performance of resources, applications, and the entire IT infrastructure from your OptScale dashboard. Get automatic notifications about cost anomalies, budget wastage and bottlenecks in application performance. OptScale guarantees full transparency of resource usage and cost across Kubernetes and traditional workloads.

Organize applications and resources

Implement tagging systems for superior resource and application usage visibility. Map all the costs across organizational units, projects, or unique users. Assign budgets and resources to team members and projects, and easily identify the boundaries of responsibilities across your R&D department. Receive insightful, online notifications and alerts in Slack to stay informed.

Set TTLs and budget constraints

Review individual resources and clusters, set TTL rules, and pool constraints to identify any budget overruns immediately. OptScale enables IT teams to track all events and actions for auditing purposes, set budget thresholds and receive real-time notifications.

Establish a long-term cost-saving process

Expense optimization isn’t simply a one-day task, it’s an ongoing process. With OptScale, R&D team members are deeply involved in cost savings on a regular basis and are responsible for workloads and budgets assigned to them. Slack integration helps to engage engineers in FinOps implementation and cloud cost management. It’s a definitive way to achieve full budget transparency and significantly reduce monthly cloud bills.

IT environment management

Track IT resource usage, book and discover a simple way to acquire and release resources, and organize simultaneous shared access with OptScale. Our solution enables you to eliminate spreadsheets, chats and complicated tools to help easily identify R&D and test environment availability, and software versions deployed. Any distributed team can easily book clusters, VMs, or any other IT resources, and avoid all of the complexities of test environment utilization. OptScale delivers complete cost transparency across all IT environments and helps keep the R&D process costs down.

OptScale monitors key application and resource metrics like CPU, network and storage utilization. For public cloud environments, OptScale utilizes data provided by cloud-native monitoring tools, or feel free to connect the monitoring system of your choice, such as Datadog or PagerDuty. All Kubernetes metrics are collected by Prometheus.
OptScale analyzes the performance metrics, compares them with historical data, patterns and then identifies bottlenecks. Bottlenecks could be lack of IOPS, CPU underutilization, wrong node pool for pods, etc.

OptScale provides dozens of performance enhancement scenarios such as; VM rightsizing, CI/CD job resource reflavoring, pod affinity groups, and reducing cross-region traffic. The majority of the scenarios are available in the Free version of the solution.

News & Reports

FinOps and MLOps

A full description of OptScale as a FinOps and MLOps open source platform to optimize cloud workload performance and infrastructure cost. Cloud cost optimization, VM rightsizing, PaaS instrumentation, S3 duplicate finder, RI/SP usage, anomaly detection, + AI developer tools for optimal cloud utilization.

FinOps, cloud cost optimization and security

Discover our best practices: 

  • How to release Elastic IPs on Amazon EC2
  • Detect incorrectly stopped MS Azure VMs
  • Reduce your AWS bill by eliminating orphaned and unused disk snapshots
  • And much more deep insights

Optimize RI/SP usage for ML/AI teams with OptScale

Find out how to:

  • see RI/SP coverage
  • get recommendations for optimal RI/SP usage
  • enhance RI/SP utilization by ML/AI teams with OptScale