OptScale controls user permissions to internal workloads and grants and revokes temporary access to any IT environment by invoking a job, script, or hook, which is a ‘black box’ for OptScale and controlled by your own IT security team. The solution doesn’t store or manage any secrets and is completely invulnerable to cyber-attacks.
Eliminate having the same credentials for all IT environments
Enjoy a simple flow to grant and revoke access
Enable your security team to control how access is granted
Get full audit logs of user sessions
Fluxo de gerenciamento de acesso ao ambiente tradicional
Fluxo de gerenciamento de acesso ao ambiente com OptScale
It is quite common for all engineers to use the same credentials for all internal tests or development environments. This clearly doesn’t meet security best practices. OptScale provides companies with a workflow to conveniently and securely manage engineers’ temporary access to IT workloads.
Engineers enjoy a simple process of obtaining temporary access, which is revoked when IT environments are no longer needed. OptScale builds a secure mechanism for proxying access requests without accessing data about your company’s security architecture and practices.
OptScale allows you to acquire or book IT environments and proxies ‘grant’ and ‘revoke’ access requests from your engineers’. Scripts used for access management are fully owned by your IT security team and are a ‘black box’ for the product. Script samples are available for quick setup.
Comprehensive audit logs help to keep the transparency of IT environment usage and contain all the necessary information, such as; session details, (who and when they used the IT environment), technical job call details like request parameters, and script response.
Uma descrição completa do OptScale como uma plataforma de código aberto FinOps e MLOps para otimizar o desempenho da carga de trabalho na nuvem e o custo da infraestrutura. Otimização de custo de nuvem, Dimensionamento correto de VM, instrumentação PaaS, Localizador de duplicatas S3, Uso RI/SP, detecção de anomalias, + ferramentas de desenvolvedor de IA para utilização ideal da nuvem.
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1250 Borregas Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94089, EUA | [email protected]