Whitepaper 'FinOps e gerenciamento de custos para Kubernetes'
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Ebook 'De FinOps a estratégias comprovadas de gerenciamento e otimização de custos de nuvem'
OptScale FinOps
OptScale — FinOps
Visão geral do FinOps
Otimização de custos:
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud
Nuvem Alibaba
OptScale — MLOps
Perfil de ML/IA
Otimização de ML/IA
Criação de perfil de Big Data
cloud migration
Acura – migração para nuvem
Visão geral
Nova plataforma de banco de dados
Migração para:
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud
Nuvem Alibaba
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Nuvem pública
Migração de:
Na premissa
disaster recovery
Acura – DR e backup na nuvem
Visão geral
Migração para:
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud
Nuvem Alibaba
Pilha aberta

A diferença entre gerenciamento de custos de nuvem e FinOps

FinOps is a relatively new concept in a cloud computing industry that is actively developing and implementing nowadays to help companies adopt an IT environment in a smart, efficient and transparent way. FinOps is related to a cloud cost optimization approach, but let’s find the difference. 

Cloud cost management solutions are built for a few IT guys who run the analysis, get a 50-page report on what they need to optimize or improve and then, theoretically, they need to implement these reports and reduce a cloud bill. But in reality, the IT people can cover only 20–30% of the report themselves and to proceed with the rest they have to collaborate with resource owners explaining to them what needs to be done and why they should do that. And those resource owners are engineers running their jobs, tests, R&D workloads.

FinOps adoption & free cloud cost optimization. Lifetime

FinOps is aimed to involve engineering team to a cost-saving process

FinOps, at the same time, involves the whole FinOps team in the cost-saving process and this team consists of executive engineering leaders, a financial team and engineers who are the main cost generators as they run automation, launch VMs and forget to clean up. Proper FinOps software should generate targeted recommendations to IT guys to cover ‘low-hanging fruit’ cloud cost optimizations and engineers to track and notify about their resources.

Cloud cost management and FinOps

Cloud cost management:

  • Focused on an IT guy who needs to chase
    R&D teams to tag and rightsize resources,
    remove unused
  • Gives a report to help in a short-term, in a
    few months issues return
  • R&D team is disconnected from the
    cost-saving process and has no


  • Focused on the whole Equipe FinOps
    including engineers who generate the
    majority of costs
  • Builds a cost-saving long-term process by
    engaging and educating the team
  • IT guys are responsible for building best
    practices, engineers – for their own resources and TTLs, OptScale – for educating teams and delivering best practices

Cloud cost management solves immediate problems while FinOps, in addition, builds a process. It doesn’t matter what number you see as a possible saving in your cloud cost management solution if you cannot implement all the recommendations, and it is impossible without a proper process and engaging engineers.

OptScale, a FinOps and cloud cost management platform, is available on cloud marketplaces

Alibaba Cloud marketplace

Find out why focus on FinOps matters in your company’s cloud landscape today and start FinOps adoption with OptScale. Free trial, no credit card needed → https://my.optscale.com/register

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Novidades e Relatórios

FinOps e MLOps

Uma descrição completa do OptScale como uma plataforma de código aberto FinOps e MLOps para otimizar o desempenho da carga de trabalho na nuvem e o custo da infraestrutura. Otimização de custo de nuvem, Dimensionamento correto de VM, instrumentação PaaS, Localizador de duplicatas S3, Uso RI/SP, detecção de anomalias, + ferramentas de desenvolvedor de IA para utilização ideal da nuvem.

FinOps, otimização de custos de nuvem e segurança

Conheça nossas melhores práticas: 

  • Como liberar IPs elásticos no Amazon EC2
  • Detectar VMs do MS Azure interrompidas incorretamente
  • Reduza sua fatura da AWS eliminando instantâneos de disco órfãos e não utilizados
  • E insights muito mais profundos

Otimize o uso de RI/SP para equipes de ML/AI com OptScale

Descubra como:

  • veja cobertura RI/SP
  • obtenha recomendações para uso ideal de RI/SP
  • aprimore a utilização de RI/SP por equipes de ML/IA com OptScale